BizSPOT Point Terms of Use

Article 1 (Purpose) 1. BizSPOT Point Terms of Use (hereinafter referred to as "Terms and Conditions") The BizSPOT Point Usage Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement") applies to the application BizSPOT (hereinafter referred to as the "Application") provided by ACCEA Corporation (hereinafter referred to as the "Company"). (hereinafter referred to as "the Company"), an application provided by ACCEA Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "ACCEA"), BizSPOT (hereinafter referred to as "the Application"). (hereinafter referred to as the "Company"), an application provided by ACCEA Corporation (hereinafter referred to as the "Company"). The Company shall provide BizSPOT points to members who have registered as members (hereinafter referred to as "members") based on the application terms of use of BizSPOT (hereinafter referred to as "the Application"). The terms and conditions of the BizSPOT Point Service (hereinafter referred to as the "Service") are as follows. The Terms and Conditions of the BizSPOT Point Service (hereinafter referred to as the "Service") are set forth in the following Terms and Conditions. The Terms of Use for the Application shall apply to any matters not stipulated in the Terms of Use for the Service. Article 2 (Granting of Points) 1. When a member purchases a product or service that is eligible for point allocation (hereinafter referred to as "Eligible Product") in the manner designated by the Company in this Application, and when other conditions specified by the Company are met (hereinafter referred to as "Eligible Transaction") The Company will grant points to members when they purchase goods or services eligible for point allocation (hereinafter referred to as "Eligible Products") in the manner specified by the Company in the Application or when they meet other conditions specified by the Company (hereinafter referred to as "Eligible Transactions"). The points will be awarded when the member purchases goods or services eligible for point allocation (hereinafter "Eligible Products") in the manner specified by the Company in this application or when other conditions specified by the Company are met (hereinafter "Eligible Transactions"). 2. Products eligible for points, transactions eligible for points, and the type and number of points or percentage of points awarded shall be determined by the Company, and Members shall comply with such decisions. 3. Points will be awarded after a certain period of time determined by the Company after the qualifying transaction has taken place. If the Company cancels or returns a qualifying transaction within this period, no points will be awarded for the qualifying transaction. 4. If there is a price change in an eligible transaction, the award will be based on the changed purchase price. Article 3 (Management of Points) 1. The Company shall notify the member of the number of points earned by the member, the number of points used by the member, and the balance of the number of points, in a manner prescribed by the Company. If there is any doubt about the number of points, the member shall immediately contact the Company and explain the nature of the doubt to the Company. 2. The final decision on the number of points in the above paragraph shall be made by the Company, and members shall abide by this decision. Article 4 (Prohibition of Transfer and Combination of Points) 1. Members may not transfer points held by them to other members, transfer or pledge points to other members, or share points among members. 2. The provisions of the preceding paragraph shall not apply to cases approved by the Company. Article 5 (Cancellation and Extinction of Points) 1. If, after points have been awarded, there is a return, cancellation, or other event that the Company reasonably deems appropriate to cancel the awarding of points for a qualifying transaction, the Company may cancel the points awarded for the qualifying transaction. 2. If the Company determines that a member falls under any of the following items, the Company may cancel all or part of the points held by the member without prior notice.  1. In the event of illegal or fraudulent activities  2. If there is a violation of the Terms of Use, Membership Agreement, or other rules and regulations set forth by the Company.  3. Other cases in which the Company reasonably deems it appropriate to cancel points granted to a member 3. Points will automatically expire if you do not make any qualifying transactions for a period of time determined by the Company. In addition, the Company may set a separate validity period for each point. 4. The Company will not compensate for, and will not be liable for, any points that are canceled or expired. Article 6 (Use of Points) 1. Members may use the points they hold as the equivalent of one yen per point in a manner determined by the Company, and may use the points to pay all or part of the service usage fees, product purchase fees, and consumption tax when using the services for which points are granted or when purchasing products for which points are granted. 2. The minimum number of points a member can use per order is 1 point and the maximum is the points held. 3. If a member cancels a transaction pursuant to Paragraph 1, in principle, the points used for settlement will be returned in the form of points, and will not be returned in cash. However, if the Company is unable to return the points due to procedural reasons, cash equivalent to the amount of points used may be returned from the point-applicable service for which the payment was made. 4. The Company may change, limit, or impose conditions on eligible products or services by notifying members in advance of point use in a manner prescribed by the Company. 5. If a member uses points for the full settlement amount and the settlement amount is subsequently reduced or increased for some reason, the member will be asked to refund the reduced amount or pay for the increased amount in accordance with the conditions specified by the Company for each service for which points are used. Article 7 (Validity Period and Invalidation of Points) 1. Points are valid for one year from the date they are awarded. However, each time you earn new Normal Points or purchase a product or service on the Site, the validity period of the entire Normal Points balance will be extended for one year from that date. The validity period stipulated in this section may be extended by the Company. 2. The expiration date of points can be checked on this application. 3. If points are not used by the expiration date, such points will automatically expire. 4. Expired points cannot be used. 5. The Company will not make any compensation for, and will not be liable for, any points forfeited under this Article. Article 8 (Cancellation of Points after Use) 1. If points are cancelled in accordance with the Terms and Conditions after a member has used them for payment, the transaction subject to such payment may be cancelled or put on hold. If a transaction using points has already been executed or is about to be executed, the member shall immediately pay the Company in cash or in a payment method designated by the Company any amount that is insufficient due to the cancellation of points. Article 9 (No Redemption) 1. Members may not exchange points for cash under any circumstances. Article 10 (Use by Third Parties) 1. Points must be used by the member himself/herself and may not be used by any third party other than the member in question. 2. If the Company confirms that the e-mail address and password entered at the time of point use match the registered ones by the method prescribed by the Company, the Company will consider the use of points to have been made by the member. Even in the case of unauthorized use by a third party, the Company will not refund the points used and will not be held liable for such use unless there is a reason attributable to the Company. Article 11 (Taxes and Fees) 1. Members shall be responsible for any taxes or incidental expenses incurred in connection with the acquisition of points, use of points, or redemption of rewards. Article 12 (Loss or Suspension of Membership) 1. If a member loses his/her membership, he/she shall lose all points and other rights to use the service, and shall not acquire any claims against the Company as a result of the loss of membership. Article 13 (Exemption from Liability) 1. Although the Company will do its best to operate the Service based on the technical standards of the time, the Company does not guarantee that failures will not occur. The Company shall not be liable for system interruption, delay, discontinuation, or loss of data due to communication line or computer failure, problems related to point usage, unauthorized access to data, or any other damage caused by reasons beyond the Company's control to members in connection with this service. Article 14 (Changes to this Service) 1. The Company may change the contents of the Service or the terms and conditions of the Service (abolition of points, suspension of points, change of target sites or transactions, etc.) by notifying members in advance in the manner prescribed by the Company. 2. (including, but not limited to, changes in the point award rate or utilization rate). The service may be terminated or suspended at any time. The member agrees to this in advance. 3. The Company shall not be liable for any disadvantages or damages incurred by members as a result of the changes described in the preceding paragraph. Article 15 (Modification of these Terms and Conditions) 1. The Company reserves the right to change the Terms of Service. If a member continues to use the service after the effective date of the change, the member is deemed to have agreed to the change in the Terms of Use, and the changed Terms of Use shall take effect between the Company and the member. The revised Terms of Use shall take effect between the Company and the member.

Established on January 22, 2024.